Sunday, February 11, 2007

I've eaten 1.5 bags of chocolate now

I don't know why I didn't blog yesterday, because I really did nothing all day. I wiki-ed a little and I watched some of the Bob Dylan movie while I knitted. Then my mom and I went to visit my grandfather in the nursing home. He's pretty sick. He hasn't eaten anything but apple juice in a long time. That's sort of humbling. Then my mom and I went to Applebees, which was also humbling. I don't know why anyone goes to that place. Then I came home and took the vicodin that Steve so graciously provided me with. So I knitted some more and finished watching No Direction Home. The knitting is going better. Then I went to bed and slept real hard for like two hours and then I woke up really thirsty and sweaty and I had to hobble downstairs, which was a pain. I went back to sleep and had a dream that Joy died while shaving her legs!!!! It was terrible. That's the dream I woke up during this morning. Oh, and now the dog sleeps on the pillow that I use to prop up my left foot. It's precious, really.

1 comment:

lisa said...

see - shaving legs is not only pointless but DEADLY

i keep imaging you sitting around at your old's had to imagine what your new house looks like (it IS a new house, right?)