Saturday, May 5, 2007

It just occured to me..

I have just returned from seeing Spiderman 3 in the theater. As a whole, I liked the movie. I caught the latter half of the 2nd one on TV last night, and I had only caught the first half of it at the nail salon like 6 months ago. So I was feeling up to speed and my dad suggested that we see it. So we did. And I liked it. But I was wondering...
Why did they pick Tobey Maguire to play Spiderman? I'm sure he's a swell guy and everything. I think he's a good actor, and I even had a small crush on him when I was 18. But:

Topher Grace, James Franco, and Thomas Haden Church (even in THIS photo) are each a hundred times hotter than Tobey Maguire. Was this done on purpose?
I don't have any more philosophizing on the subject.. I'm just throwin it out there. Oh, except that they could have had someone hotter than Kirsten Dunst, too.
That's all I have to say about that.


Anonymous said...

Mal, Peter Park was a big nerd (in the comic, he actually invented the device that fires his webs from his wrist-- it wasn't a power he got from the spider bite). So, Toby was cast for his high nerdliness.

And, Kirsten Dunst is hot!

Mallory said...

okay, i'll buy that, but i think that what bothered me the most was that when he was doing things that required an immense amount of strength, he made these god awful faces... the faces that you hope no one will ever see you make, let alone billions of people. when "regular" action stars (i.e. bruce willis, chris tucker) make these faces, they look powerful. tobey maguire looked horrific. i feel bad talking trash on tobey, but all i'm saying is that i cringed at his face a few times. but, yes, i see your point.