Monday, November 19, 2007

Tuesday is the new Thursday. This week, anyway.

I have decided to watch all of the movies that have won an Academy Award for Best Picture. I wanted to do it in complete chronology, but the first two (Wings and Sunrise) are not available on DVD and maybe not even VHS. So I will begin with The Broadway Melody. Out of 79 films, I have already seen 17 of them. I don't know that I'll re-watch certain ones, since I just watched On the Waterfront like three weeks ago and I don't feel like I need to see Titanic again. Maybe I will have this project done by next year's academy awards. Maybe not. Who knows.. maybe I'll step up my Netflix account to 3 DVDs at a time for the winter (whoa!).

Part of my daily walk to and from work revolves around walking through Love Park, which was so nice in the summer. The fountain is so tall that the wind blows mist all over the park. So when it was so hot out, I started walking through the park to sort of cool off for a minute. It was also so aesthetically pleasing early in the morning. Well, they've finally turned the the fountain off this week in preparation for the Christmas tree they'll put there. I'm sure that the tree will be lovely, but it's so awful right now. Also, as a side note, in the last four months that I've walked through the park about ten times a week, the water has been red, green, blue, and pink. (It was red as a promotion for Dexter..!)

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