Friday, November 9, 2007

Week In Review:

Let's recount this lost of goals for the week:

1. Become addicted to Super Mario on Super NES. DONE. I played the shit out of that game right after I blogged. I got really far and then I had to turn it off and I lost everything. So I'm taking a break now. I think I more than completed this goal.
2. Make a more than substantial dent in the baby blanket that I am knitting for Jared's niece or nephew to be (arriving in approximately two weeks). (This goal will be difficult considering goal #1) This goal is being altered, since the baby was born on TUESDAY! Jared now has a niece, Ella. A niece without a blanket from me. Yet. I did figure out the rest of the framework for the blanket and worked on it, but the dent isn't as substantial as I was thinking it would be when I wrote the goal. I also haven't watched any movies this week, which is always my prime knitting time. So now I intend to give the blanket as a Christmas gift.
3. Complete the Student Worker Handbook for work that I have been working on for about a month. Um, not done. It's close, but I have been depending on the contributions of one person, and she was out of the office all week. Ugh.
4. Buy a domain for the jewelry business.
5. Take enough pictures of earrings to be able to create a pack of 100 (individual) business cards with. Then create and purchase the business cards. (For more detail on this venture, visit
RE: Goals 4 and 5: I didn't have enough money to do these things this week. And now that it is dark out by the time I get home from work, there hasn't been enough natural light to take photos. That's a project for tomorrow, which is still part of this week, so I'm not a complete failure. Yet.

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